The profound study into the foundational areas of Yogic Philosophy and the Mind/Body Connection from a deep personal transformative stance will enhance all areas of your life – personal, professional, and beyond. Once you can maximize your full potential by increasing the awareness of your inner world, the possibilities of sharing love, joy, and peace for self and others are endless. If you are looking to take your personal practice to the next level, this training will completely renew your life.
The central teaching of Yoga is that man’s true nature is divine, perfect, and infinite. There are many schools of Yoga and one common thread: Yoga leads you from the unreal to the real, from the darkness to the light.
The Om Joyful School of Yoga offers a unique understanding of the history and philosophies of Yoga. You will learn the principles of Jana, Bhkati, Karma, and Raja Yoga as well as the physical applications of Hatha Yoga including Ashtanga Vinyasa, Sivananda, Kundalini, Yin, Restorative, Partner/Thai, and Children’s Yoga. You will obtain knowledge on what each practice has to offer physically, mentally, and spiritually.
During this training you will be required to:
- Keep a daily journal
- Volunteer in the Sanctuary (Seva)
- Complete homework assignments
- Get Involved in a Community Karma Project
- Commit to a home Yoga and Meditation Practice (Sadhana)
During your enrollment in this program you will be required to take 2 yoga classes per week at the studio. All regular scheduled yoga classes with Lydia are included in this tuition. You will be required to keep a signed log and journal your class experience. There will be review open book tests and a final exam.
“There is no doubt that the foundation of being a great yoga teacher is being a great yoga student.”
For more information, contact Lydia.